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Toilet Training


Becoming toilet trained is one of the milestones in children’s development. Toilet training young children can be challenging for parents and child care providers. Even children who have achieved this milestone may have occasional toilet accidents.

This course discusses physical and emotional signs that indicate a child is ready to be toilet trained. It identifies steps used to teach toilet hygiene, common challenges associated with toilet training, and solutions to these challenges. Tips to make toilet training easier for all children, including those with special needs, are included.

Toilet Training

  • 2 Hour/ .2 CEU


    • After reading about signs, participant will be able to identify physical and emotional signs that indicate a child is ready to be toilet trained through a multiple-choice quiz.
    • After reading about techniques, participant will be able to recall toilet training techniques through a multiple-choice quiz.
    • After reading about tips, participant will be able to recall tips that make toilet training easier through a multiple-choice quiz.
  • Reminder

    Enrollment in this course expires in 12 months from the date of payment.

   All courses are completely online. Nothing will be shipped.


   Instructions to access course(s) will be sent to the email address provided on the registration.

   Automated certificates are available for printing immediately upon completion for each course. 


   These online courses are presented in English. The training platform is mobile friendly, and most students will find that it works successfully on cell phones and tablets.

Successful Solutions Professional DevelopmentLLC

Instructor Led Professional Development Clock-Hour Courses

CEU Courses | Zoom Workshops

Open Enrollment


Mobile Friendly

Zoom Workshops - Coming Soon

Self-Knowledge and Career Development Skills a subsidiary of Successful Solutions Professional Development LLC

Address: PO Box 727, Burley, WA 98322-0727  * Main Website:

Copyright 2023.  Successful Solutions Professional Development LLC.  * All Rights Reserved. Updated Updated August 25, 2023

Our online courses and webinar workshops are designed for learners located in the United States. We do not offer training intended to meet requirements outside of the US. Our websites use cookies to understand how you use our sites and to improve your experience which includes keeping your purchase history, training enrollment records, tracking course progress, and course completions.

Successful Solutions Professionl Development LLC
Self-Knowledge and Career Development Skills
Successful Solutions Professional Development LLC
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